There are indications that using a color filter or looking through colored glasses, particularly blue, may help dyslexics to read.Our afflictions are designed not to break us but to bend us toward the eternal and the holy. - Barbara Johnson
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Dyslexia Treatment. Help for Dyslexia with Colors.

Some children and adults with dyslexia find that their difficulty reading may be overcome through the use of color. Often looking through the color blue or turquoise (aqua) will make reading significantly easier. Different colors work better for some people. Try this dyslexia color test and experiment with different background colors to see which one helps the best.

Colored Glasses for Dyslexia
There are indications that using a color filter or looking through colored glasses, particularly blue, may help dyslexics to read.

Colored overlays or color transparencies can be placed over the written word or in front of a computer screen as a filter. You can buy colored filter overlays for dyslexia, but they can be awkward and difficult to use.

An easier way to accomplish the same thing is to use glasses. If you or your child wears prescription glasses, you can have them tinted in a color that makes reading easier.

Less Expensive

A less expensive way is to wear non-prescription colored sunglasses. These glasses come in ten different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, aqua (turquoise), blue, indigo, violet (purple), magenta (rose) and pink. Several styles are available, including one designed to be worn on top of your prescription glasses. They can be found at

One Story

A store proprietor who sells color therapy glasses had a mother come in with her two daughters. Both daughters were dyslexic. They had difficulty reading and their eyes jumped from side to side. They tried on a pair of the blue glasses, but they were too dark. They then tried the aqua ones, which were lighter. Amazingly, both daughters could read with no difficulty and their eyes stopped jumping around.

The mother was so overwhelmed at the results that she cried.

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